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[Press Con] Lee Seung Gi and Jasper Liu Talk About Their Bromance Trip in Indonesia, Thailand & Nepal

Friday, June 26, 2020
Twogether is available on Netflix on 26 JuneLee Seung Gi and Taiwanese actor Jasper Liu team up for Netflix's new unscripted travelogue series 'Twogether'. The duo travel to destinations recommended by the fans and complete the missions to discover where the fans located across the six cities in Indonesia, Thailand, and Nepal. Lee Seung Gi, Jasper Liu, producers Cho Hyo Jin and Ko Min Seok...


Jasper Liu

Lee Seung Gi & Jasper Liu Adorable Bromance at Travel Variety Program 'Twogether'

Wednesday, June 24, 2020
Lee Seung Gi & Jasper Liu, two stars from different backgrounds, embark on a healing trip in IndonesiaPopular actors Lee Seung-gi and Jasper Liu develop a genuinely adorable bromance as they travel through various countries and cities to meet their fans through Netflix new travel variety program 'Twogether'. Any initial awkwardness between the two stars is quickly dispelled as they make efforts to...


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