3 Zombie Shows That Will Make You Reflect on Humanity - #Kingdom, #Alive, #SweetHome

Monday, August 09, 2021

Beyond the blood and gore, there is much more to explore.

Stories of the undead are always well-loved for its exciting brain-blasting action, but in recent years, we’ve seen the zombie genre expand beyond the blood and gore. We cheer when they rise from the grave, but these zombie stories have also taught us a thing or two about mortality and the human condition.

Here’s a list of the best zombie shows on Netflix that holds up a mirror to humanity:

1. Kingdom: Ashin of the North shows us the evils of classism and greed.

In the first two seasons of Kingdom, we were introduced to the mysterious zombie infestation that took over Joseon. It is later revealed in Kingdom: Ashin of the North that the true plague that triggered the unfortunate series of events was not only a flower, but the greed and empty promises of a corrupted government whose subjects are riddled with poverty and hunger, with no way of getting out.

In the end, it is the prejudice and injustice that fueled Ashin to avenge her father and her village. Now that you’re acquainted with Ashin, it’s the perfect time to re-watch the first two seasons to discover the series through an all new lens.

2. Sweet Home illustrates how human desires turn us into monsters.
Thriller series Sweet Home sees humans turned into monsters that reflect their deepest desires and the remaining population must find a way to fight for survival, while battling to keep their humanity intact.

The ‘muscle monster’ was born out of the desire for vanity muscles, and it moves in a way that shows off its body. On the other hand, the ‘blood-sucking monster’ used to be a bedbound patient who moves slowly despite its fast moving tentacles because it has no strength in its other body parts.

3. #ALIVE is a commentary about our dependence on technology and modern life.
Would you rather live in a world full of zombies or a world with no Internet connection? #ALIVE will make you ponder just how much we’re all glued to our screens. We watch the characters switch to analogue in order to fly under the radar and gear up to fight to stay #ALIVE.

For more zombie shows that go beyond the blood and gore, explore them all on Netflix.

Image courtesy of Netflix

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